About Us


Accounting by the Book. Perform with Trust.

As we are one of the best and leading accounting firm in Doncaster, our accounting services and trust towards clients inspired and encouraged us  to serve better.

Audit & Assurance

Our auditors have comprehensive knowledge of audit compliance, requirements and management in diverse industry sectors.


Our business accountants team will assist you grow your Australian business with our valuable advice.

Tax Planning

At Books and Accounts Solutions, we offer tax planning services to all our clients.

Innovative Solutions

Customized Strategies
To Solve Your Problems

Company Overview

We know that tax returns are one of the main priorities to achieve your obligation and also tax refunds that you have planned since the current financial year. With our highly tax trained and specialized professionals, we make sure to take consideration with all your points and ensure maximizing your refunds and at a reasonable cost. We do work on all the queries that are emerging from the Australian Tax Office after the tax lodgment.

Our mission

Our mission is to beautifully transform our teams and customer’s financial lives so they can live a life of financial freedom. We want to offer outstanding professional and financial services while maintaining the highest level of integrity and professionalism. We want to meet the present and future requirements of our clients and assist them to cultivate long-term success. We respect our staff and those we serve as individuals and professionals.

Our Vision

We feel that every Australian deserves top quality business and financial advice to achieve their dream and safeguard their future. We want to be regionally known as the preferred accounting firm for offering detailed financial and professional services to individuals and businesses alike while offering a working ambience where staff members can grow and succeed in the industry. Our vision is to establish loyalty and trust between partners, staff members, and the clients of the firm. 

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